Since I was able to resuscitate that old heartrate monitor, I decided today was a good day to see if it worked. The chestband transmitter that I thought was dead works, if you ensure good conductivity by wetting the skin under it. So off to do the walktest, to determine just how lousy of shape I am in.
In a word, poor, as the results were measured. I’m not sure how accurate it is, since I didn’t do a measured distance of 2km/1.24 miles. I just walked hard for 20 minutes. My rate stayed between 116 and 130 with a gradual downward taper as it went on. They rate that as a “normal-brisk” pace.
I think I may re-do the test and see if this gives me a more useful result. It looks like I was pretty close to my distance, so I could do it again with more precision in a week or so. I’m sure I’ll still rate as “poor” to “very poor,” no matter what.
Exploring more of these tests, I confirm that I am two inches short for my weight, as I always suspected.
So the purpose of this new category is to chronicle the successes and failures of an unambitious, unmotivated person as he tries to lose some table muscle and replace it with the real kind. Sure, I could just “go run” or whatever I see everyone else doing but the only that is going to work is something I can enjoy enough to do regularly. Running is not that thing.
Join in, won’t you?