links for 2007-03-23

new in OS X 10.4.9

white:~ paul$ sudo -s

WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command could lead to data loss

or the deletion of important system files. Please double-check your

typing when using sudo. Type “man sudo” for more information.

To proceed, enter your password, or type Ctrl-C to abort.


white:~ root#

Think maybe someone did something awful?

And this off-brand BlueTooth adapter is no better. May as well pony up for a D-Link.

Technorati Tags:

bleg: OS X drivers for ISSC BlueTooth dongle

I got one of these mass-produced dongles from eBay (the second I have tried) and it seems to have driver issues. It loads and can discover devices but it seems unable to connect reliably to my RAZR. There are some timing issues noted on the FreeBSD mailing lists, and it sounds similar to what I am seeing. Not that it helps all the much.

Perhaps Leopard will make it all better, if I don’t find anything before then.

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wish list, non-Amazon [updated]

[originally posted Jan 10, 2007]

Olympus XA rangefinder: the reputation of this one might put it out of reach. People love them. High quality lens in a true rangefinder means good sharp images are in your pocket. More of a collectible/nice to have item than anything else but if they can be had on eBay for $20, it’s worth looking.

 Classiccameras Images Olympus Olympusxa Olympusxa-Open

<update> just scored one for $5. Now to see how I get on with it.

Yashica TLR: I think I used one of these in middle school but didn’t know what it was or how it was interesting. SLRs were becoming accessible and I was jealous of some other kids who were assigned some SLR or other (thinking back, it may have been a K-1000 or something: not to knock it, but the quality of image from the TLR would have been quite a step up.) Alas, we are too soon old and too late smart. I am looking at one of these to try doing some portraits. I like medium format a lot but Holgas are not really reliable enough for what I want. And a Hasselblad is out of the question šŸ˜‰

 Classics Images Yashica635A-1

And it looks like if I want to do anything with my large format negs, a large format enlarger needs to be procured. There are a lot of them about but most seem to be for local pickup: not much good if they’re several states away. So looking for paying work am I, once again, something that can fit into my chaotic life of kid-chauffeuring, field-trip chaperoning, and general monkeywork.

None of these knocks a good DSLR off my list, of course, but we’ll have to see how we can work it all out.

what he said

TED 2007, Days 1 and 2:

Remember this, if you ever meet me. I’m afraid of you. I’m afraid I won’t live up to your expectations, I’m afraid you’ll think I’m ugly, I’m afraid I’ll look like a nerd or do something inappropriate and you’ll disapprove of me. If I act aloof it’s because I don’t have the inner strength to risk being rejected that day, not because I don’t care about you as a human being.

Maybe if I had experimented with pharmaceuticals like Mr Shipley alludes to having done, I would have realized this as well. But, while things are not quite as dire as his description, it never really goes away.