what the …?

It’s about the atrocious treatment endured by some Fort Lewis soldiers who were escorting the remains of a colleague home to Virginia earlier this month.

Brief background: On the tarmac, an honor guard had been formed by Port of Seattle Police, airport fire and rescue and military personnel as the soldier’s body was placed on the plane.

Generally, these professional curmudgeons are annoying (think: Andy Rooney). But this guy has a real point.

I don’t think things can get more screwed up with airport security.

This isn’t about how investigators were able to smuggle liquid explosives and detonators past TSA screeners earlier this year.

It’s about the atrocious treatment endured by some Fort Lewis soldiers who were escorting the remains of a colleague home to Virginia earlier this month.

Brief background: On the tarmac, an honor guard had been formed by Port of Seattle Police, airport fire and rescue and military personnel as the soldier’s body was placed on the plane.

A police officer then took the escort soldiers up to security.

The TSA screener checked everyone’s ID, including the police officer, and then had the soldiers go through the metal detectors.

Their combat ribbons and medals set off the alarms.

So what does the TSA screener do?

He has the soldiers strip off their uniforms – in front of everyone – down to their tee shirts, pants and socks.

Will someone please tell me what the hell is wrong with these people?

How does some inept, insensitive idiot with the IQ of room temperature even get a TSA job?

That TSA screener should have his ass fired.

And those soldiers deserve at least an apology.

[From Ken Schram: Someone should be fired | KOMO-TV – Seattle, Washington | Ken Schram ]

who do you support?

[From Glassbooth – Quiz to help you choose best 2008 presidential candidate ]

Check it out: it takes a different approach, where you assign weights to issues, and then you answer questions on the issues you care most about.

Picture 1.jpg

[From Glassbooth – Quiz to help you choose best 2008 presidential candidate]

Check it out: it takes a different approach, where you assign weights to issues, and then you answer questions on the issues you care most about.

You have 20 points to allocate to 14 issues. What do you think matters most? Let me know what you think of it.

Here’s how the rest of them stack up: Picture 2.jpg


links for 2007-12-01

would this work, do you think?

If I ran the zoo, campaign ads would have a minimum length and maximum frequency and would be aired by the broadcasters as a condition of their license to use the public airwaves.

…By making them longer, I think it removes the cheap shot potential, and by making the broadcasters run a specific amount of campaign advertising as part of their license, we remove that barrier to entry for more candidates, ie someone besides lawyers and industralists.

Instead of campaign finance reform (yeah, like that’ll really happen), re-write how campaigns are actually run. De-fang the horrible wholesale politics (broadcast/scattershot attack ads) and force an emphasis on retail (personal, issues-oriented, face-to-face):

If I ran the zoo, campaign ads would have a minimum length and maximum frequency and would be aired by the broadcasters as a condition of their license to use the public airwaves. Out with the 15 second attack every hour, and in with the 15 minute presentation of ideas, of things you’ll do, not what you say the other guy did. [From Ezra Klein: Political Science Abstract of the Day: Smear Me Edition]

The reason candidates need so much money (incumbent Senators need to raise something $15k/week for their whole 6 year term) is to fund these nasty ads. By making them longer, I think it removes the cheap shot potential, and by making the broadcasters run a specific amount of campaign advertising as part of their license, we remove that barrier to entry for more candidates, ie someone besides lawyers and industralists.

Friday Random 10 + 1

Into You Like a Train / The Psychedelic Furs / Talk Talk TalkRecoil / Magazine / Real LifeWaitin’ For A Superman / The Flaming Lips / The Soft BulletinPart Past Part Fiction / The Chills / Submarine BellsThe Mess We’re In / PJ Harvey / Stories From The City, Stories From The SeaLipstick Vogue / Elvis Costello / The Very Best Of Elvis Costello (Disc 2)In The Lap Of The Gods …. Revisited / Queen / Sheer Heart AttackAin’t That Nothin’ (Single Version) / Television / AdventureLife In Prison / The Byrds / Sweetheart Of The RodeoSleep Angel / Jerry Harrison : Casual Gods / Walk on WaterEpisode Of Blonde / Elvis Costello / When I Was Cruel

Into You Like a Train / The Psychedelic Furs / Talk Talk Talk
Recoil / Magazine / Real Life
Waitin’ For A Superman / The Flaming Lips / The Soft Bulletin
Part Past Part Fiction / The Chills / Submarine Bells
The Mess We’re In / PJ Harvey / Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea
Lipstick Vogue / Elvis Costello / The Very Best Of Elvis Costello (Disc 2)
In The Lap Of The Gods . . . Revisited / Queen / Sheer Heart Attack
Ain’t That Nothin’ (Single Version) / Television / Adventure
Life In Prison / The Byrds / Sweetheart Of The Rodeo
Sleep Angel / Jerry Harrison : Casual Gods / Walk on Water
Episode Of Blonde / Elvis Costello / When I Was Cruel
What’s on your playlist?

do you want a free Nokia N95? Do you travel a lot?

This is how it works: Starting today, you have until December 15, 2007, to connect to as many different FON Spots worldwide…. You’re all welcome to compete for the prize, those who share and connect for free and those who buy FON Passes.

To celebrating, we’re giving away one FREE Nokia N95 to our best Fonero around the world. This is how it works: Starting today, you have until December 15, 2007, to connect to as many different FON Spots worldwide. Obviously, connecting to your own FON Spot doesn’t count! You’re all welcome to compete for the prize, those who share and connect for free and those who buy FON Passes. [From FON]