links for 2008-01-01

It doesn’t look like it’s in the right place (yeah, I know there is no right place for a tail on humans). But wouldn’t it be at/nearer the end of the spinal cord?


I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful, and don’t to forget make some art — write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can…. [From As I was saying ] The older I get, the more important this seems to be.

No matter how your 2007 was, I hope 2008 is better. I can’t add much to this, other to say it louder.

May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful, and don’t to forget make some art — write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself. [From As I was saying]

The older I get, the more important this seems to be. You’re the only you there is, was, or will be. Don’t hide your light under a basket.

the fine print

Picture 1.jpg I don’t have a problem with people making money — far from it, I wish I knew how to do it myself — but I find the structure of this offer a little deceptive. eMusic has such good street-cred (disproportionate to the music I found when I was a member), it would be unfortunate if they squandered.

Free, eh? I like free. Free is good.

But is it really free? Ah, the 75 downloads are free, yes, but only after you re-join and pay for a month’s subscription.

Picture 1.jpg

I don’t have a problem with people making money — far from it, I wish I knew how to do it myself — but I find the structure of this offer a little deceptive. eMusic has such good street-cred (disproportionate to the music I found when I was a member), it would be unfortunate if they squandered. I think they’ll get better as we see fewer and fewer record companies trying to criminalize their customers.

I’ll bite [hoosgot]

The term “hoosgot” is newly coined by Dave Sifry, a founder of Technorati and one of my former homies on the RSS Advisory Board …. Just use the word “hoosgot” as a verb a request on your blog (or @hoosgot on Twitter) and it’ll end up on his site, where it’s hoped someone more industrious can help you with a solution.

Hoosgot a web application for creating a hierarchical Dmoz-style link directory in a browser?

The term “hoosgot” is newly coined by Dave Sifry, a founder of Technorati and one of my former homies on the RSS Advisory Board. He’s launched the web site Hoosgot (as in “who’s got?”) for lazy people who have technical requests for help. Just use the word “hoosgot” as a verb a request on your blog (or @hoosgot on Twitter) and it’ll end up on his site, where it’s hoped someone more industrious can help you with a solution.

I really do need that software, preferably open source, PHP and MySQL. The board had an RSS resource directory created with Radio UserLand, but I’d prefer something lightweight and server-based.

[From Hoosgot: The Return of the LazyWeb]

hoosgot a way to adapt the various linux methods of tuning a wireless access point with audio signals on OS X? Command line tone generation that reflects the strength of the signal, like this, is what I’m after.

recycled quote of the day

Notice that I haven’t attacked the Clinton campaign at all; I think quite highly of Sen. Clinton and her work on the Armed Services Committee. However, I support Barack Obama because he inspires me, and because I believe he has the character, judgment and vision to lead this country.

“These are the reasons why I support Sen. Obama, and why I am encouraging my fellow veterans to support him too. Notice that I haven’t attacked the Clinton campaign at all; I think quite highly of Sen. Clinton and her work on the Armed Services Committee. However, I support Barack Obama because he inspires me, and because I believe he has the character, judgment and vision to lead this country. Attacking his rivals won’t help veterans, nor will it help America. Electing Barack Obama will.” Philip Carter

[From Philip Carter endorses Obama]

quote of the day

As for being “intolerant”; I’m intolerant of people who lie, who are wrong and can’t admit it, who are willfully stupid, who blithely get by on their name and believe that it imbues them with some special insight not available to the hoi poloi…. I’m intolerant of people who seem to believe that liberals or progressives or whatever they want to call themselves are supposed to be tolerant of rank stupidity and deceit.

I do wish he wouldn’t mince his words.

As for being “intolerant” I’m intolerant of people who lie, who are wrong and can’t admit it, who are willfully stupid, who blithely get by on their name and believe that it imbues them with some special insight not available to the hoi poloi. I’m intolerant of a stunted inbred media aristocracy that is breeding itself into a drooling navel-gazing oblivion faster than the House of Windsor. I’m intolerant of people who seem to believe that liberals or progressives or whatever they want to call themselves are supposed to be tolerant of rank stupidity and deceit. [From A Family Affair]

links for 2007-12-30

broke the seal

Of course, I have no idea how long to expose this out of date RC paper I have 500 sheets of, so I’m going to have to wait until I can get some paper chemistry before I have any idea how successful I was.

The enlarger can make a 16×20 print at full extension, more than I expect I’ll need, though the temptation to make a print that size is something I won’t even try to resist if I can afford the paper.

I just made a contact print in my darkroom. Interesting to see how much I remember from however long ago it was (15 or more years?).

I swept it out today, cleaned off the counter on what will be the wet side, fished out the trays and tongs I got through FreeCycle ages ago, hooked up the timers, mounted the safelight . . . I have a timer that seems pretty over-the-top but is really quite handy. The enlarger and safelight plug into it and you can switch between the two as needed, but when you use the footswitch (!) the safelight goes off, and the enlarger is turned on for a timed exposure. Very elegant, as far as I am concerned.

Of course, I have no idea how long to expose this out of date RC paper I have 500 sheets of, so I’m going to have to wait until I can get some paper chemistry before I have any idea how successful I was.

The enlarger can make a 16×20 print at full extension, more than I expect I’ll need, though the temptation to make a print that size is something I won’t even try to resist if I can afford the paper.