hoosgot a clue why GarageBand is hanging on a midi conflict (when I have no [other] MIDI components). /Applications/GarageBand.app/Contents/MacOS/GarageBand: CoreMIDI: timeout waiting for MIDIServer to start\n I have to start it by hand, which seems a little goofy to say the least, especially ’cause first I have to find it.
In this directory [/Users/paul/Library/Audio/MIDI Configurations
], I found a file called Default.mcfg
, and just for grins, moved it aside. Now I have no more of these annoying problems.
hoosgot a clue why GarageBand is hanging on a midi conflict (when I have no [other] MIDI components)?

A dialog is displayed that tells me GBand has found some conflicting MIDI services. Neither true nor accurate: the problem is that the MIDIserver isn’t running. And not because it’s blocked.
/Applications/GarageBand.app/Contents/MacOS/GarageBand: CoreMIDI: timeout waiting for MIDIServer to start\n
I have to start it by hand, which seems a little goofy to say the least, especially ’cause first I have to find it.
And that looks unhelpful. 
Aha. launchd should start it but isn’t. At least the existence of a .plist file suggests that would be the case.
launchctl load -w /private/etc/mach_init_per_user.d/CoreMIDIServer.plist
was the solution that seems to have worked.
But why would that have changed? It used to work just fine. What also seems odd is that while MIDIserver is now running, the plist doesn’t show up in launchctl’s list of things it knows about. And launchctl doesn’t seem to be the solution either.
Hmm, still flaky. I found a page that claims running the Audio MIDI Setup utility will make this go away. But it’s not permanent.