This is really insightful stuff. When we level the playing field — when everyone is connected — how do you manage those connections? with devices *and* identities/accounts?
yeah, why is all hardware box art made by “artists from middle schools obsessed with warrior women, fantasy animals, and monster trucks?”
this is a great hack. Worth doing, I thinlk.
Author: paul
quote of the day
The Editors on the best evidence of entitlement you’re likely to find:
…It’s like the Helen Keller story, except with physical handicaps replaced by a blinding sense of entitlement.
The Editors on the best evidence of entitlement you’re likely to find:
Behold the Audacity of Hope! Seriously, this should be a children’s book. It’s like the Helen Keller story, except with physical handicaps replaced by a blinding sense of entitlement. [From The Little Pantload Who Could]
The month is half over, but if you’re interested in playing with what will likely be a failed RPM2008 project , point your rsync client @ rsync paulbeard.org::rpm2008…. wtf?), and move on. The stuff is all done in Garageband 3 but the aiff files and mp3/4 mixdowns are accessible by anything that can handle those.
The month is half over, but if you’re interested in playing with what will likely be a failed RPM2008 project, point your rsync client @ rsync paulbeard.org::rpm2008. Yes, I know some of the instruments are out of tune and some of the arrangements are chronologically-challenged (some even chronically). That’s kind of the point: get it out, get it on tape (tape? wtf?), and move on.
The stuff is all done in Garageband 3 but the aiff files and mp3/4 mixdowns are accessible by anything that can handle those.
My MO at present is to capture ideas as informally as they come and worry about dressing them up later. Since it’s all music, no words, it’s wide open for other contributors.
Interestingly, this site comes up on top for queries on RPM2008.
links for 2008-02-16
the underpinnings of the face mullet?
the language of flags
[From www.BrazilianArtists.net, the A-Z of Brazilian Arts, Entertainment & Cultural Events in the UK ]
There are some others that are even more poignant.
[From www.BrazilianArtists.net, the A-Z of Brazilian Arts, Entertainment & Cultural Events in the UK]
There are some others that are even more poignant.
links for 2008-02-14
we called their predecessors square grouper, back in the day. White lobster is good, though.
are any of these yours?
Only after he dropped out of the presidential race, admittedly …
The November election is a long ways away. So, here: I made you a little cheatsheet!
Only after he dropped out of the presidential race, admittedly …
[From Clip ‘n’ Save!]
links for 2008-02-13
I was before it before I was against it: better just to get them off the road.
“Why is the U.S. one country?” Good arguments to change that, if you’re up for it.
good news, bad news
Where I live now: Where I used to live :
… How are you connected?
recycled bonus quote of the day
So Hillary Clinton missed all the FISA votes today. It’s a shame–the Dems trying to block telecom immunity and add surveillance oversight were badly beaten, and I’m sure Clinton’s 35 years experience and legendary ability to work for change would’ve come in real handy.
So Hillary Clinton missed all the FISA votes today. It’s a shame–the Dems trying to block telecom immunity and add surveillance oversight were badly beaten, and I’m sure Clinton’s 35 years experience and legendary ability to work for change would’ve come in real handy.