blackberry harvesting

went out this morning with 3 half-gallon berry buckets (half-gallon milk cartons with the tops cut off) and came back with 1 bucket and 2 children filled to the top.

I’m freezing a bunch of berries (like half of them) and will bake the rest in a peach or nectarine and blackberry crostada, a kind of open fruit tart/fruit pizza on a crisp pastry crust. Have I mentioned how I love summer fruit?

bike testing

LeMond Racing Cycles 2002: Bikes: Reynolds 853 Pro: Zürich


Our best selling LeMond- and for good reason.

I rode one of these yesterday: Oh, my goodness. Just a joy to ride. I’m thinking of going back for another test ride, but do I want to torture myself? A mere nine hundred dollars stands between me and it: I could get something nice for the half that, I know, so it’s not that bad.

I also rode a Giant OCR 3 ( a mere $550), and didn’t like it as much.

the interview from Hell

A friend writes . . . . .

. . . . the [] interview was stupid. as far as answering their technical
questions, i did fine – they’re not doing anything tricky. and i had some
good talk with a few of the people i interviewed with, but i really don’t
like it when people expect me to answer questions from a stack of trivial
pursuit cards. or defend my personal choice of beer and linux

And I thought those days were over . . . . .

spiders and threads

Nicest of the Damned: Nice spider…

The question becomes, “should everyone on the web be sending out spiders?”

Or, another way to look at it: maybe a few people run spiders and the rest of us subscribe to them? It’s another aggregator, but based on content/context, rather than novelty. You get to unravel the web and weave your own.

I’m not opposed to spiders — they’re just fast automagic browsers — but I’d be concerned if there was a lot of repetitive crawling.

Another aspect of this would having it learn or suggest keywords based on a thesaurus or even note new words in proximity with your keywords: using the EvilBot, if bin Laden drops off the index of evil, perhaps he’s replaced by someone else and their name is suggested to you as a possible additional keyword.


the discussion of the EvilBot, repurposed as a tool to measure what’s on people minds, has gotten interesting.

I guess this is what I expected to find at BlogDex or some of the other aggregator/scraper sites.

Much as I’m leery of poll-driven news, this seems to be a different thing: collecting and sorting the thoughts of people who have already signed on as commentators is different from asking people at a bus stop. Not that it’s better, but your raw material comes from people who care enough to write about these topics.

I don’t want to deal with this | Top Stories

It happened in the Wedgewood neighborhood around 4 p.m. Thursday at the Temple Beth Am parking lot on the 8000 block of 28th Avenue. The girl was playing in the nearby ball field and paused on her bike on a parking lot strip.

I can see that parking lot from where I sit. And as it turns out, this is the second attempt in as many days by this creep. I’ll keep my eyes out tomorrow for the vehicle and individual. In my current frame of mind, it would be to his benefit for the police to find him before I do.

will comment for tips

I keep seeing search queries and browsing patterns that suggest people are coming here for answers: maybe all my answers are wrong, but I’ve not heard anything about that.

Anyway, I replaced the PayPal tip jar with an Amazon Honor System one: it was so garish, I moved it way down the page, possibly hampering its effectiveness, but it looks less crass.

My expectations are low (I try to take that approach to most things). Perhaps I’ll be surprised.

If someone were to learn anything useful here, some feedback, either verbal or financial would be welcome.

more problems with fink

I am rebuilding all the fink-managed packages on my system to try and figure out what this error on xfree86-base is all about.

I got as far as tar, when I discovered the distfile was out of date: the .info file calls for 1.3.19 and the current version is 1.3.25. I downloaded it, hacked together a matching .info file (I had to use another machine to get an md5 checksum: surely OS X has that?), and it built just fine.

Now I start over .

Here’s the diff of the base file and the one I made.

— Sun May 26 14:58:28 2002
+++ Thu Aug 8 09:51:53 2002
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
Package: tar
-Version: 1.13.19
+Version: 1.13.25
Revision: 1
Essential: yes
Depends: gettext, gzip, bzip2, base-files
-Source-MD5: ff10ade59f5b312869ffb2f229177e14
+Source-MD5: 6ef8c906e81eee441f8335652670ac4a
UpdateConfigGuess: true
ConfigureParams: –program-transform-name=s/tar/gtar/ –infodir=%p/share/info –libexecdir=%p/lib
InstallScript: <<