venery; collective nouns

rebecca ‘I am not a goth’ blood

goth collective nouns

an amaranthine of goths … an angst of goths … a band of goths … a bauhaus of goths… a bleakness of goths … a brood of goths … a byron of goths …a canticle of goths … a clot of goths … a corset of goths … a cloud of goths … a cortege of goths … an eclipse of goths … an emanation of goths … an echelon of goths … an exquisite of goths … a flock of goths … a flourish of goths … a gloom of goths … a glower of goths … a litany of goths … a mope of goths … a phalanx of goths … a pose of goths … a rapture of goths … a ravish of goths … a scene of goths …a shade of goths …a shudder of goths … a snoot of goths … a shroud of goths … a suicide of goths … a sulk of goths … a thick of goths … a vanguard of goths

another web

I wonder how many groups of alumni from companies, not just dot-bombs, have setup email lists or other virtual gathering places? I know some people who are on three or four mailing lists from old jobs: looks like a news story to me. Yahoo! has almost 27,000 groups with alumni in their names: they’re not all schools . . . ..

The ease of setting up a virtual community, the elimination of distance through technology, and the impersonal aspect or virtuality as aspects of the technology combine to make this possible. Perhaps it puts the notion of the web as an impersonal space to the test, since you can continue an association with old colleagues in a more immediate way than the telephone permits, regardless of location.

Anyone have John Markoff’s email address?

Content is still king

In the High-Tech Sector, Optimism Is Just a Faded Memory

. . . . . but those who control it are afraid of the new markets that the tech boom has created: they understand how to get revenue from theaters and DVDs and CDs, but not from mediumless digital media, like streams or music/movie files.

The most heated debate of the event came during a panel of Hollywood executives who criticized the technology industries for their lax adherence to intellectual property protection and copyright issues in the digital era.

That evoked a response from many executives here that the entertainment industry’s unwillingness to explore new business models was primarily responsible for the industry’s lack of growth.

“We’re in a real technology gridlock,” said Peter Schwartz, co-founder and chairman of the Global Business Network, a consulting group based in Emeryville, Calif. “All of the entrenched industries are attempting to protect their positions so that in broadband, digital television and digital distribution of content, we’re stuck.”

It’s not the tech companies job to worry about copyright: if that had been the prevailing attitude 25 years ago, we may not have had VCRs or even photocopiers. It’s the media cpmpanies job to come up with ways to make money, given a larger market — anywhere that TCP/IP can reach — and little or infrastructure cost — no need to build a theater or ship a print to every small town when you can send the content as bits.

Having worked in a large media company, on both the news and entertainment sides of things, it was frustrating to see how hard people were trying to map their experience onto this new amorphous opportunity. The quality concerns in those early bandwidth-contrained days were valid, but now with increasing penetration of broadband in the home and almost universal high-speed internet access in schools and business, what are the media companies doing to capture an audience? I would guess the big three segments of the Internet are news sites, weblogs, and porn, but not in that order, and of them, news is where you’ll find the big media combines.

In entertainment, the key was driving people back to the TV set with ancillary programming like games and trivia: early attempts to build internet-exclusive programming were not well understood and were ultimately scuttled. Ad sales models from TV and cable broadcasting didn’t translate to the web, and rather than come up with new models, it was easier to kill off the new media products.

Between the potential of broadband and the increasing buzz around TiVo, I wonder if anyone will figure out how to get the content people want served up on demand, rather than clinging to the “must-see TV” model.

It’s getting to the point where I think the English model of a TV license or subscription that would fund a reliably high-quality broadcasting effort makes more sense than the continued commercialization and resulting cheapening of the content. 100 million households times a $10 license fee is a pretty nice budget: of course, my dream of high quality arts and education programming coupled with serious films and documentaries doesn’t appeal to everyone. More’s the pity . . . .

The Humane Environment

The Humane Environment

But interfaces have not moved with changing times. After a decade of research into cognitive psychology and by paying attention to people’s constant computer complaints (and his own annoyance), [Jef] Raskin realized that today’s GUIs are fundamentally flawed. The interface-building tools that companies and open-source prouducts provide enforce bad interface design practices. They are wrong. Period. Raskin figured out how to fix the problems. His popular book, The Humane Interface (Addison-Wesley, 2000) explains all this in some detail.

This makes for some pretty compelling reading: if you’re as fed up with the lack of progress in human-computer interaction as I am (and not just because I’m a lousy typist), it’s worth a look at the book, the running example, or both.

To what nation is he referring?

Yahoo! News – WAR CRY

“Even before [the current head of state], the [ . . . ] political system was a shambles,” said Prof. Salvatore Deluna of the University of Madrid. “Their single-party plutocracy will have to be reshaped into true parliamentary-style democracy. Moreover, the economy will have to be retooled from its current military dictatorship model–in which a third of the federal budget goes to arms, and taxes are paid almost exclusively by the working class–to one in which basic human needs such as education and poverty are addressed. Their infrastructure is a mess; they don’t even have a national passenger train system. Fixing a failed state of this size will require many years.”

Click the link above or below to learn more.
Continue reading “To what nation is he referring?”

meritocracy in action

Mr. Swartz Goes to Washington (Aaron Swartz: The Weblog)

I was impressed by how smart the Justices were. These were people who very thoroughly understood the issues and thought quickly on their feet. They were interested in long-lasting effects and classics, I doubted many cared much for Mickey or Steamboat Willie. It’s sad we don’t have this level of intellectualism and intelligence in the rest of our government today.

The justices are appointed, not elected, which has a lot to do with it. Since they don’t campaign for the the job, their work within the judiciary is what gets examined. Imagine our representatives and senators having to write a defensible opinion on a legal issue, using the Constitution or case law as their examples.

I understand and agree with Aaronbut I’m not surprised at the intellectual heft of the Court: I expect it. Imagine how things would be if the Court were an elected body or otherwise subject to the vicissitudes of politics.

Office v. X Test Drive

I have the Office X test drive installer, but I’m not sure I want to install it, give the possibility, no, likelihood, I’ll be unable to use my ancient but reliable Office 98 apps on any documents the new apps have touched.

I’ll need to research that.

I ponied up for .Mac

Apple .Mac

So I’m looking through all the fabulous benefits of .Mac membership, and Backup looks good. But what’s this fine print all about?

To create backup CDs or DVDs with Backup, you must have an internal, Apple-supplied CD-RW drive or SuperDrive and a paid .Mac subscription.

An Apple-supplied CD-RW? Hmmph. I’ll have to assume I can get away with an Apple-supported one, ie the moral equivalent of the ones they supply since I’m not buying a new machine just to get the drive.

Still, for $49.95, .Mac looks like a good deal for me. In light of the Leading Brand and their abortive switch ad, what does Apple do for me and what does Microsoft do for me? Does Microsoft offer to automate and store backups? Does Microsoft have an email service that doesn’t require I use their client software?

If people want to buy everything based on MHz numbers and other meaningless minutia, that’s OK with me. I know what works for me.

Hallowe’en and the Soft Boys

The Soft Boys – News

The long-awaited Nextdoorland hit the stores on September 24. Featuring the same lineup that brought you Underwater Moonlight, the Matador Records release was recorded with Pat Collier over the winter and spring of 2002 at Gravity Shack Studios in London. Besides the CD version, a limited vinyl edition also includes a bonus 7" with two live tracks from the band’s April 2001 show at the Knitting Factory: "Underwater Moonlight" and "Only The Stones Remain."

And they’ll here in the Emerald City at the Crocodile (expect an appearance by Peter Buck) and on KEXP: that will be worth listening to.

Listen to an mp3 here or a stream here