annals of things I don’t understand

boy (age 8 or 9) inspects a watermelon his mother has put in their cart and remarks that there is dirt on it and wants to know why…. young woman putting packages of instant oatmeal in her cart, and then carefully adding their price to her total with a calculator.

  1. boy (age 8 or 9) inspects a watermelon his mother has put in their cart and remarks that there is dirt on it and wants to know why. she doesn’t explain where watermelons come from.
  2. young woman putting packages of instant oatmeal in her cart, and then carefully adding their price to her total with a calculator. perhaps she is a researcher, but if she is just a frugal shopper, why is she buying that stuff?

some small changes

The application-in-a-browser is pretty slick, given enough computer to run it (as with any app, of course), and this old 800MHz machine is right at the edge of obsolescence…. a small voice in the back of my head says there is a need for a small internet appliance that provides an functional spam-proof MTA a web server/publishing system (not to say a blogging platform) basic home networking services — backups, print service, wireless Something like a slug , perhaps beefier, but not as much as a Shuttle provides: maybe something like this ?

Not posting much, out of an effort to stop spending time on this. I only keep the blog running because people keep reading it. I see the same search queries, so I figure someone is finding it useful.

I made the search query zeitgeist the home page, since no one comes to read, only to follow Google results (apologies to both of you who have this site bookmarked). Most of the visits are drive-bys — one page and out . . . no need for a navigational interface or welcome page.

The automated posts from stopped working, so I am now using the Share option in Google Reader, since I use that instead of NetNewsWire. GMail, Google Reader . . what was that quote: “Netscape would “reduce Windows to a set of poorly debugged device drivers.“? Change s/Netscape/the Internet with broadband/g and it starts to look realistic.

The application-in-a-browser is pretty slick, given enough computer to run it (as with any app, of course), and this old 800MHz machine is right at the edge of obsolescence.
Adding some services on the back end as the Young People become more capable. Email accounts are sought after, and the looming presence of spam needs to be dealt with. For all the talk of Bayesian filters or payload detection, what seems to work really well is a very simple technique: greylisting. Since spam is not about conversations or even replies, a simple greylist tactic is for the receiving email server to ask the sender to resubmit the email in 5 minutes. Spammers don’t get or read replies, so those messages are never delivered. Legitimate ones from properly configured MTAs do get delivered and the address is stored for later comparisons, so the delay is dispensed with. Seems to work just fine. It all happens at the application layer, so the user never sees a delay. Sweet . . .

Still hoping to get bogofilter integrated as a belt-and-braces approach, but so far things are working well. Had to buy a second domain with no personal information in the name to protect the precious poppets, as well, but that was trivial.
I won’t be at all surprised to find I need an IM server . . . . a small voice in the back of my head says there is a need for a small internet appliance that provides

  • an functional spam-proof MTA
  • a web server/publishing system (not to say a blogging platform)
  • basic home networking services — backups, print service, wireless

Something like a slug, perhaps beefier, but not as much as a Shuttle provides: maybe something like this? Ah, forget it, Apple will roll out something that does all that — or all people will use — at a better price point.

in case I get disemvowelled . . .

It looks to me like the only ones to feel embarrassed are the boingers, for doing something that seems counter to their public personae and for failing to defend their decision convincingly…. I realize BB is not the anyone’s government of public utility and has no legal obligations to be open, but I suspect a lot of BB’s readers have expectations beyond the merely legal.

I don’t think I said anything that inflammatory . . .

Where I lose the plot is that these posts (and comments referencing them?) disappeared a year ago and only now does anyone notice. And in that time, no one thought of a way to communicate that to the teeming millions? Or that it needed to be presented in a favorable way? Does that seem believable?

And who will be embarrassed by the facts of the matter coming out? Violet Blue? One of the BB crew? It looks to me like the only ones to feel embarrassed are the boingers, for doing something that seems counter to their public personae and for failing to defend their decision convincingly. Like it or not, you have an audience and they have some expectations. As noted elsewhere, it will be hard to take you all seriously on issues of transparency after this, trivial as it may seem now. I realize BB is not the anyone’s government of public utility and has no legal obligations to be open, but I suspect a lot of BB’s readers have expectations beyond the merely legal.

[From That Violet Blue thing – Boing Boing: with over 800 1100 comments in 24 hours? Impressive. I think people are just trying to get it up to 1984. ]

And the possible reason for all this? Looks embarrassing for the BB crowd if it was something like this.

for what it’s worth, this is still wrong

McCain War Record No Longer Off Limits To Some Liberals A small number of left-wing activists are beginning to question John McCain’s service during the Vietnam war, charging him with, among other things, war crimes and helping North Vietnamese propaganda efforts.

…do I wonder if McCain feels he could have defended Kerry, a fellow Navy officer who served in the same conflict, a little more strenuously?

McCain War Record No Longer Off Limits To Some Liberals

A small number of left-wing activists are beginning to question John McCain’s service during the Vietnam war, charging him with, among other things, war crimes and helping North Vietnamese propaganda efforts. The attacks are notable for their similarity to the “Swift Boat” attacks against John Kerry in 2004. (Politico)

Unless someone committed verifiable war crimes while in uniform or in active service, I think their service records should be left out of this. It was wrong when it was done to Kerry and it’s wrong now.

But . . . . do I wonder if McCain feels he could have defended Kerry, a fellow Navy officer who served in the same conflict, a little more strenuously? Yes, I do.

[addendum] I remember reading the T. Boone Pickens had offered $1 million to anyone who could disprove the claims against Kerry: turns out he welched on the deal. Navy records made his boys out to be liars, so now he claims to have nothing to do with them. I wonder if the guys who dragged the Swift Boat crews through the political muck are welcome at the reunions?

quote of the day

[T] he primary purpose of public schools in America has always been to help produce citizens who have the knowledge and the skills and the values to sustain our republic as a nation, our democratic form of government.

[T]he primary purpose of public schools in America has always been to help produce citizens who have the knowledge and the skills and the values to sustain our republic as a nation, our democratic form of government.

Sandra Day O’Connor

comedy gold

One individual who emailed seemed to think that we could have the effect of draining away conservative votes, or “splintering” the religious right vote. Reverend Dobson said that he would not vote for McCain or Obama, and would go to the polls and vote, but not vote for president.


Hello world!
So many emails were coming in that we decided to start a blog on the site. One individual who emailed seemed to think that we could have the effect of draining away conservative votes, or “splintering” the religious right vote. Reverend Dobson said that he would not vote for McCain or Obama, and would go to the polls and vote, but not vote for president. Here are some reasons why he should write in Bush:
1. To clearly show that he doesn’t approve of either Obama or McCain.
2. To trust in God and the US Supreme Court that if Bush gets the popular vote, term limits will be set assunder.
3. To give Bush one more chance, now that he’s just getting the hang of it.[emphasis mine]

[From Blog » Blog Archive » Hello world!]

If there is a god, please let this get around to his base . . . .

never let the facts get in the way of policy

The New York Times reports today that White House officials simply refused to open an email from the EPA last year because they knew it contained a policy recommendation they didn’t like — part of the Administration’s on-going battle with scientists at the EPA over global warming issues. The document, which ended up in e-mail limbo, without official status, was the E.P.A.’s answer to a 2007 Supreme Court ruling that required it to determine whether greenhouse gases represent a danger to health or the environment, the officials said.

So this is what it comes down to? Maybe they should print out a copy and hire a process server to deliver it.

The Bush Administration’s newest tactic for policymaking is to ignore emails.

The New York Times reports today that White House officials simply refused to open an email from the EPA last year because they knew it contained a policy recommendation they didn’t like — part of the Administration’s on-going battle with scientists at the EPA over global warming issues.

The document, which ended up in e-mail limbo, without official status, was the E.P.A.’s answer to a 2007 Supreme Court ruling that required it to determine whether greenhouse gases represent a danger to health or the environment, the officials said.

Instead of officially acknowledging the email and responding to it in a normal bureaucratic manner, the White House instead launched a behind-the-scenes campaign to pressure the EPA to drop the recommendation’s essential conclusions.

Both documents, as prepared by the E.P.A., “showed that the Clean Air Act can work for certain sectors of the economy, to reduce greenhouse gases,” one of the senior E.P.A. officials said. “That’s not what the administration wants to show. They want to show that the Clean Air Act can’t work.”

[From TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Today’s Must Read]

Is it 2009 yet?