When the day comes that Kodak has to open a ranch to get enough gelatin to make film, I’ll stop using it.
Author: paul
Untitled (Self-Portrait)
One of my Flickr contacts was accepted into the Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition Exhibition at the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C.
“I should remain humble and say that being accepted is all I could hope for, but please may I have the $25,000 prize and commission from the National Portrait Gallery?”
Fingers crossed on this one . . . .
wish I had said this
Those that believe that they did not evolve from lesser primates probably haven’t, yet.
Making Light: “But this is good!” “Well, then, it’s not SF.”
The whole reason I picked up 1984 off the dusty shelves in my family’s summer house was that I needed something to read and it was clearly science fiction, unlike most of the other books on the shelf.
[From Making Light: “But this is good!” “Well, then, it’s not SF.”]
Have I mentioned how I hate genres or categorizing fiction? Arranging by color is at least defensible, as long as there are few edge cases (where does ecru go? is it white or a light brown?). There’s considerable disagreement over how to define the genre, even w/in the Making Light commentariat, so it’s not just me who finds the lumping and splitting unproductive. I agree 100% with this:
For a lovely defense of genre in all its forms, read Michael Chabon’s essay collection Maps and Legends. I’m sure he was delighted to have won the Hugo and Nebula; the Edgar (for which The Yiddish Policeman’s Union was also nominated) would have made it a trifecta.
[From Making Light: “But this is good!” “Well, then, it’s not SF.”]
Power On The Go
i can haz predicshun come true?
Mo said…
Going into the future, if Obama turns out to be an effective and well-liked president, you can add 8 more years of above average democratic support, and the GOP will effectively become the Whigs[From FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Bush May Haunt Republicans for Generations]
the big blue hole
Pilots often refer to the rain shadow that we see over the Olympic Peninsula as “the big blue hole.
But I had no idea it got that big. No wonder it’s #%%^^&*& hot.
quote of the millenium
A good job requires a field of action where you can put your best capacities to work and see an effect in the world. Academic credentials do not guarantee this.
NPR: Challenge: Recession Haiku
We’re assigning you a challenge: Write a haiku for the recession and drop it in the comments. It’s 17 syllables, in three lines, with a pattern of five syllables, seven syllables, and five more.
if you push paper
you won the big lottery
push a broom? you lost
how could a handful
make so much money themselves
many more went broke
modern investing
nice work if you can get it
who understands it?