iPhone, authenticated email: a HOWTO

I got authenticated email with the iPhone working, with no help from the experts on the postfix-users list. Yes to password authentication, no to SSL, and TLS just worksâ„¢.

This means I can send email from my handheld thingie regardless of what network (WiFi) or cellular I am on and that the mail server is hardened against spammers using it as a relay.

It took a lot of monkey work at the console but the tools to use are testsaslauthd, openssl, and mmencode (or anything than generate Base64 encoded text).

Blank Generation

Blank Generation

Originally uploaded by AndyWilson.

An accidentally blank instant photograph makes the connection between the emptiness of contemporary middle age and the nihilism of youth 30 years ago. The stray hair and the scanner artefacts remind of us the imperfections that become more apparent with age, while the emptiness of the frame and the shiny texture lets us reflect on the invisibility of the middle aged in modern society.

The latticed surround adds a twist that hints the artist may not be entirely serious 🙂

Smart answer to a stupid question

An excellent response to questions from ill-informed and unthinking physicians:

My doctor asked me if I would like to have a government employee decide
my health issues. I said “No. I would rather have a retired nurse tell
you my private insurance company won’t pay for a procedure you believe I
must have.”

That shut him up.

quote of the day

[I]f you set out to raise children, that’s exactly what you end up with — children in adult bodies, with the judgment and mental capacity of elementary-school kids. The goal should be to raise functional adults who will be capable of taking care of themselves when you’re no longer available to do it for them.

[From Making Light: Litchfield means “Graveyard”]

Maybe this is what Warhol meant when he said “Since people are going to be living longer and getting older, they’ll just have to learn how to be babies longer.”