a sketch

musical, that is.

It’s a snippet, about 45 seconds. The bass line came first and I was able to hold it in my head as I made my way downstairs. Found a simple drum kit to go with it, then added some delicately out of tune guitar. Can you tell the bass is not the instrument I play most often?

If this makes you want to rush to GarageBand and finish it (or wipe out the tracks, for the simple pleasure of it), the whole archive can be made available.

quote of the day

All fascist movements begin with those in power defining the members of a minority group as aberrant or somehow less than human…. So, my question: when will the mainstream media start reporting on the fact that this guy is a fringe extremist who believes some people are inherently less equal than others?

All fascist movements begin with those in power defining the members of a minority group as aberrant or somehow less than human. Homosexuality’s usually a good target to get things rolling. So, my question: when will the mainstream media start reporting on the fact that this guy is a fringe extremist who believes some people are inherently less equal than others? [From Huckabee Overtly Equates Homosexuality And Bestiality]

wish I knew what this was

It can be attributed to this: Picture 5.jpg 2 clicks on that first one accounts for half the revenue for the month. When I consider that my all-time figure is $93, from Nov 2005 to today, I’d love to know what dollar a click ad that was.

My Google AdSense rewards are, as usual, slim, though I am over $4 for January. It can be attributed to this:

Picture 5.jpg

2 clicks on that first one accounts for half the revenue for the month.

When I consider that my all-time figure is $93, from Nov 2005 to today, I’d love to know what dollar a click ad that was. My average over that span is 12¢ per day.

links for 2008-01-17


Add me to the list of people who wondered why we only found this out when backups started failing, with no notification in the RSS summary or an email (my monthly bill acknowledgments seem to get to me on a timely basis, so the mailing infrastructure exists).

…It wouldn’t take a tech person off the restoration to do this, and the fact that even now, there has been no update to the RSS feed or an email, for a service that has been down since the weekend, is pretty bad.

All I can say is that I feel for the Joyent sysadmins right now.

[From Ouch]

As a somewhat frustrated Strongspace customer, I dropped this comment there:

Add me to the list of people who wondered why we only found this out when backups started failing, with no notification in the RSS summary or an email (my monthly bill acknowledgments seem to get to me on a timely basis, so the mailing infrastructure exists).

I don’t want to pile on here, as I have done this kind of work in a high-volume/high-availability environment, but communication is really important, especially to non-technical people. No one likes surprises and non-technical people really hate surprises they don’t understand.

When you do your post-mortem/after-action report, make this a bullet point.

Seriously, I don’t think they get this. It wouldn’t take a tech person off the restoration to do this, and the fact that even now, there has been no update to the RSS feed or an email, for a service that has been down since the weekend, is pretty bad.

quote of the day

Honestly, I think we need to admit that just because machines get faster every year, doesn’t mean that the majority of people need faster machines.

In two weeks I’ll be writing Delicious Library 2 on a MacBook Air, every day.

Well, there’s where one is going.

Honestly, I think we need to admit that just because machines get faster every year, doesn’t mean that the majority of people need faster machines.

In two weeks I’ll be writing Delicious Library 2 on a MacBook Air, every day. Because it’s simple and beautiful, and I crave those things.

And all you haters can… well, buy one in six months, when you realize how nice it is. [From MacBook Air Haters: Suck My Dick]

You can stop by ZOKA and ask him how he likes it.


If I really cared (or hoped) to scrape any money out of this, I wouldn’t say this, but seriously, if you pick up this stuff in a newsreader, you don’t miss anything but Amazon merchandising and Google’s lame attempts to match advertisers with this junk. I publish a full feed, not extracts, so there’s no “click to read more” going on as a way of inflating page views and generating ad impressions.

This whole business of reading a website in a browser is so 20th Century.

Subscribe in NewsGator Online

If I really cared (or hoped) to scrape any money out of this, I wouldn’t say this, but seriously, if you pick up this stuff in a newsreader, you don’t miss anything but Amazon merchandising and Google’s lame attempts to match advertisers with this junk. I publish a full feed, not extracts, so there’s no “click to read more” going on as a way of inflating page views and generating ad impressions.
Pick any one . . . or use an online reader like Google Reader, NewsGator, etc.

time to sell another bike

It hasn’t been ridden in I don’t know how long and has more sawdust on it than road grime…. I have my Diamondback hybrid (as if I ride it either) and I am more likely to take it out than a dropped bar road bike.

Update: it’s gone. Kinda sad to search for this post and find mentions of when I got and enjoyed it. Ah, well, the new owner looks like he’ll enjoy it. That’s good.

Looks like I may as well sell my road bike.

It hasn’t been ridden in I don’t know how long and has more sawdust on it than road grime. It’s not like l am going to ride it. I have my Diamondback hybrid (as if I ride it either) and I am more likely to take it out than a dropped-bar road bike.

So off to Craigslist, I guess. Something about selling it bothers me, though. Perhaps the persistent sense of regret at not riding it more (or at all). At least I hope that’s all it is.
