puts you there where things are hollow: I knew exactly what this was from as soon as I scanned the line. But I couldn’t have told you a line from the song before that.
Month: October 2007
links for 2007-10-02
something else that looks cool but that I don’t really need . . .
what a sad man Clarence Thomas is. He must realize he’s out of his depth, though perhaps many would be on the nation’s highest court. But is this the best way to make a mark for yourself?
I have no idea why but this site is filed under “Futurism” at StumbleUpon.com. Welcome, stumblers, one and all. I can’t think what you’ll find that’s futuristic, but what do I know? I just work here.
links for 2007-10-01
wonder how cheaply a Canon can be had?