links for 2007-08-09

quote of the day, perhaps of the year

I watch debates — so you don’t have to:

Steve Skvara, a retired steel worker from Indiana, with tears in his eyes, asked a poignant, powerful question. (TP has a clip)
“After 34 years with LTV Steel, I was forced to retire because of a disability. Two years later, LTV filed bankruptcy. I lost a third of my pension, and my family lost their health care.
“Every day of my life I sit at the kitchen table across from the woman who devoted 36 years of her life to my family, and I can’t afford to pay for her health care. What’s wrong with America, and what will you do to change it?”

hardware or software?

Having some trouble with an iMac G5 dropping off the network, so I found this thread: Poor Signal Level Airport Problem in iMac G5. – MacNN Forums

At first, it looked like a signal strength issue. Strange if true, since that system never moves, relative to the access point.

But before I cracked open the case, I thought I would look at any log data I could find.

Aug 8 17:19:18 kitchen kernel[0]: AirPort: Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)Aug 8 17:19:18 kitchen configd[54]: AppleTalk startupAug 8 17:19:18 kitchen kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Active: “Thistle Dew Two” – 0014bf295d49 – chan 6Aug 8 17:19:18 kitchen configd[54]: SecKeychainFindGenericPassword err= -25308 ( =0xffff9d24, secErrStr=User interaction is not allowed. ) (current= Thistle Dew Two)Aug 8 17:19:19 kitchen launchd: Server 3fb3 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: “/usr/sbin/lookupd”[359]: exited abnormally: HangupAug 8 17:19:19 kitchen configd[54]: posting notification 8 17:19:19 kitchen lookupd[367]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting – Wed Aug 8 17:19:19 2007

Huh? What’s with the SecKeychainFindGenericPassword errors? It looks like the authentication mechanism is losing its mind periodically, and dropping the connection with frustrating frequency.

A little poking around in Keychain Access: I allowed access to that keychain from any application, and the problem seems to be resolved. But I’ll wait till tomorrow this time before I do a happy dance.

[update, Sept 6] This is still acting up. But it resolves itself quite quickly. Starting to suspect some issues with the base station itself (a Linksys WRT54G, running dd-wrt).

links for 2007-08-08

bleg and more on screen(1)

A couple of days into this and I like it fine, but it doesn’t survive hangups when machines go to sleep. I guess that’s understandable but it would be nice if it did.

Example: I am on a laptop, wireless, and I open a sessions via screen to a wired system. I start process, drop in and out of it all day, then let the laptop sleep. When I and it awake, I can open the screen session to the wired system but the connection is dead. The screen session is OK but the ssh connection has closed.

Anyone know if this can be adjusted to that it doesn’t drop me?

couldn’t add a thing


Okay, I’m having an angry day as I got sucked into reading a bunch of liberal hawk horseshit from back in the day. Aside from the arguments they were making, what’s infuriating is the endless preening. So often they would put themselves at the center of the narrative, as if anyone does or should give a rat’s ass about their intellectual journey, or deep internal struggle, or whatever the fuck. As if any of that mattered.

And now a lot of people are dead, have holes in their heads, can’t move, don’t have legs, are suicidal, etc… because a bunch of self-important narcissists got off on the idea that they played a central role in creating history, or some such crap.
