moving day

I finally moved this wheezing bag of guff to a new server, the Shuttle XPC I scored a week or so back. Many improvements behind the scenes:

  • FreeBSD 6.2, up from 4.11
  • php5, up from 4.4
  • MySQL 5.1, up from 4.1

still running Apache 2.0, though I may try/should have tried 2.2 before I did this. I seem to recall some skinned knuckles last time I tried it, as the config file syntax changed and I couldn’t bridge the gap.

Should be faster, cleaner, and a happier experience all round. Let me know if you notice anything missing.

Now Playing: Pressure drop from the album “Black Market Clash” by The Clash

links for 2007-04-20

UPDATED: Hey, gotta second?

Try this and see if it works for you.

I had some issues with my iTunes-managed music collection after I installed the new drive. Some tracks refused to play, so I have to assume the DRM mechanism does some hardware testing on more than just the logic board.

What I have found is that the DRM on some files is not as airtight as on others, reflecting when/what version of iTunes/the music store was in use when purchased. Specifically, if you select a protected AAC file and choose “Convert Selection to [MP3|AAC|Lossless|AIFF|WAV]”, whatever you have in your prefs, you may be able to do just that: you’ll end up with an unlocked file. It works for some files, but not for others, so I assume this is one area where the arms race has gone our way.

Continue reading “UPDATED: Hey, gotta second?”

omnibus, I got run over by the

Well, let’s see. I lost the drive in my laptop, again, and the backup regime I had been using when it crashed previously 18 months ago was not quite as comprehensive this time. So there was some data loss. Most preferences and history stuff, environmental details. Still annoying.

Since the iBook is out of warranty, it was time to make my own attempt at repairing the damage. A 60Gb drive from Outpost was $65. The odds and ends of tools I needed was $10 more or so. And it was about 90 minutes or so to do the job. I used the instructions and visual aids here. I needed the small hex driver, a couple of Torx drivers (don’t know why I didn’t just get a set all at once), and I picked up a couple of plastic putty knives for spudgers. Worked just fine.

I chose a 60Gb 5400 rpm drive, as it seemed to hit a good price point without getting too big. An 80 Gb drive might have been a good choice, but 60 doubles what I have been used to. And it’s faster and quieter (though warmer, too).

Irritatingly, I didn’t check the drive before I bought it so I chose a Toshiba based on the 5 year warranty. The drive(s) that failed were also Toshibas but they don’t honor warranties on OEM equipment. I would have bought from someone else, had I known.

So that’s pretty well sorted. A lot of screws involved and I have a couple left over (as did the last guy who repaired this thing). But it’s definitely screwed together.
Continue reading “omnibus, I got run over by the”