Ted’s Creamy Root Beer

Ted’s Creamy Root Beer

Originally uploaded by paulbeard.

Another I just dug out of the archives (can you tell I am waiting for the children to fall asleep here on Christmas Eve?). There are a few shots with other signs for Ted’s Creamy Root Beer on Flickr, as it turns out.

I was also reminded that a lot of these were taken with a camera we lost in a restaurant 2 years ago this month: someone at Anthony’s Home Port in Kirkland got an early Christmas present of a Nikon 4300 with a carrying case.

Horse team, Picardo P-Patch

Horse team, Picardo P-Patch

Originally uploaded by paulbeard.

Just found a batch of images in the family photo archive tonight. Here’s one of a team of horse working across the road from us, turning over the community garden.

I don’t think this would be as effective if it were sharp. I like the sense of movement that the blur conveys. I won’t say I was trying to do this: I just lucked out, I expect. Some of the other shots are sharp, but I think they were made with flash. I didn’t want to use a strobe with the horses, so I got lucky with these.

links for 2006-12-23

what’ll they think of next?

Cool Tool: Pentel Pocket Brush Pen:

Leave it to the Japanese to create a brush pen.

I got one of these today, a Pilot, from the Kinokinuya Bookshop in Uwajimaya (we went there for lunch today). It’s a lot of fun to play with. You can make thin hairline strokes, broad strokes, great splashes of ink, all with same tool and you don’t have to dip it. I’ll try to remember to post up some stuff when I come up with anything coherent. There are Flickr groups that are all about photos of drawings, especially in precious Moleskines. Feh (to the preciousity of the medium, not the idea of drawings on Flickr).

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Pinhole exchange


Originally uploaded by paulbeard.

I signed up for the annual pinhole print exchange and then promptly forgot that I had done so. My first one arrived Dec 1, and the sender quickly brought me up to speed 😉

I just printed out the ones I’ll be sending (this is the image I chose) and should get them in time to make the deadline of Dec 31. This was made on Forte Pan 100 film, with my first pinhole camera, a converted Foldex-20, f/295, and developed in D-76 1:1 for whatever the tables at DigitalTruth said to use (11 minutes, I think).

File under: note to self.