Old Fashioned Sourdough Pancakes and sourdough starter

Old Fashioned Sourdough Pancakes, Sourdough Pancake Recipe:

During the Klondike gold rush of 1898, it was said that a real “Alaskan Sourdough” would just as soon spend a year in the hills without his rifle, as to tough it through without his bubbling sourdough pot. Since food was scare, food provisions were more valuable than gold. In extreme cold, miners would put the dough ball under their clothes, next to their skin, or tuck it into their bedroll with them at night, anything to keep it alive.

I made sourdough pancakes last weekend — not the various yeast-assisted recipes you see but real pioneer style flapjacks — and they were amazing. Light, a little chewy, with a very wholesome flavor, and so easy to make.

But first things first. You need sourdough starter. I have been meaning to post my experiments with this, but have been doing too much with it to write about it.

Continue reading “Old Fashioned Sourdough Pancakes and sourdough starter”

Is it Friday already?

Hollow Inside / The Buzzcocks / A Different Kind of Tension
Pick Up the Pieces / Average White Band / Average White Band: The Essentials
Radio Song / R.E.M. / Out Of Time
Down The Dip / Aztec Camera / High Land, Hard Rain
The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill / The Beatles / The Beatles [White Album] (Disc 1)
Harborcoat / R.E.M. / Reckoning
Reflecting Pool / Let’s Active / Big Plans for Everybody
The One I Love / R.E.M. / Document
Cruel to be Kind / Nick Lowe / Labour of Lust
Rudie Can’t Fail / The Clash / London Calling
Mean Mr. Mustard / The Beatles / Abbey Road

3 R.E.M. tracks? How random/unlikely-to-repeat is iTunes anyway? 3,615 tracks, 54 genres, 425 artists, 504 albums, and this is the best it can do?

the benefits of living in a town that believes in libraries

Spencer Sundell – Mugu Brainpan » Seattle and King County Libraries Offer Free Online Access to Tech Books:

If you have a valid Seattle Public Library card, you can get free online access to books from O’Reilly, Peachpit, AdobePress, Macromedia Press, New Riders, Microsoft Press, and many more.


Innovators and imitators, part of an endless series

What’s the lesson here?

Scott Loftesness: Musings on Apple, Dell, and Google:

Two stock comparison charts struck me yesterday.

The first chart shows Apple vs. Dell. The second shows Apple vs. Google.

Both charts [and one more –ed] are included below. This is fascinating stuff.

Continue reading “Innovators and imitators, part of an endless series”

food for thought

A friend writes:

Mark the 27th of this month on your calendar – you turn exactly 16,000
days old then. 🙂

16,000 days and what do you get?

Seriously, it might make more sense to mark off our time in days and think what we can do with each one, rather than in years. Easier to think of something worthwhile to do on a daily basis than look at a whole year to fill or worse, back on in regret . . .

I suppose this spikes my membership in the Optimists . . . .

Now playing: The Storm by Big Country from the album “The Crossing”

this is what aping Murdoch will get you

And people thought Tucker Carlson was vapid and dumb?

What’s going on at CNN?


CNN’s reported decision to hire right-wing radio host Glenn Beck, along with its reported hiring of controversial radio host Bill Bennett as a political analyst, raise serious questions about whether CNN has made a high-level decision to support and promote right-wing individuals, even those who have a history of promoting conservative misinformation and offensive rhetoric.

Encourage your readers to take action! (They can visit CNN’s online feedback form or they can call the main line for Turner Broadcasting, the parent company of CNN and CNN Headline News, at 404-827-1500)

CNN reportedly hires radio host Glenn Beck
CNN’s Headline News has reportedly hired radio host Glenn Beck in spite of his history of making controversial comments, including:

* Beck on families of the victims of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks: “[T]his is horrible to say, and I wonder if I’m alone in this — you know, it took me about a year to start hating the 9-11 victims’ families? Took me about a year.”

* Beck on Hurricane Katrina survivors who remained in New Orleans: “And that’s all we’re hearing about, are the people in New Orleans. Those are the only ones that we’re seeing on television are the scumbags — and again, it’s not all the people in New Orleans. Most of the people in New Orleans got out! It’s just a small percentage of those who were left in New Orleans, or who decided to stay in New Orleans, and they’re getting all the attention.”

* Beck discussing disclosures from a caller who claimed to have tortured prisoners in U.S. custody: “I’ve got to tell you, I appreciate your service. … Good for you. Good for — I mean, good for you. Is it because you did it for the country? … I have to tell you, when all is said and done, I’m glad people like you are on our side.”

CNN photojournalist declares, “That’s a nice feeling” to get a wink from Bush
During the Saturday edition of CNN’s On the Story, the cable network aired a clip of CNN photojournalist Mark Walz, who covers the White House, in which he said, “That’s a nice feeling” when President Bush “gives you a wink.” Walz’s comment came during his explanation of his role at CNN, where he noted that “covering the office of the president” is “the most rewarding part” of his job.

CNN has reportedly hired conservative commentator Bill Bennett despite a controversial comment he made in September 2005 on his radio show, when he said that “it’s true that if you wanted to reduce crime … you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down.”

Now playing: Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana from the album “Nevermind” | Get it


Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall January 17, 2006 10:42 AM:

The president’s critics are always accusing him of law-breaking or unconstitutional acts and then also berating the incompetence of his governance. And it’s often treated as, well … he’s power-hungry and incompetent to boot! Imagine that! The point though is that they are directly connected. Authoritarianism and secrecy breed incompetence; the two feed on each other. It’s a vicious cycle. Governments with authoritarian tendencies point to what is in fact their own incompetence as the rationale for giving them yet more power. Katrina was a good example of this.

The basic structure of our Republic really is in danger from a president who militantly insists that he is above the law.

A point our diligent newspapers are missing: that the incompetence and arrogance of this administration are part and parcel of the same thing. I wonder though: does JMM think we’ll have a real king in some form or fashion? Can he dismiss Congress? I suppose his majorities could go home, leaving him with an angry rump of Democrats. I just don’t think it’s likely.

Now playing: Repetition by David Bowie from the album “Lodger” | Get it