
I was lucky enough to get in on Google Analytics (née Urchin) before the registration for testers filled up. I have been running it for a couple of week and every now and again I take a look. (NB: it works in Safari if you resize the text and force the page to render once again after loading. Hat tip to someone somewhere who mentioned that.)

Below the fold is a grab of a recent day’s report.
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what does the LazyWeb know about iTunes?

So here’s my dilemma. I store my music files on an AppleShare file system, since the iBook I use lacks enough disk to hold it. All is well, most of the time, but occasionally, when iTunes syncs my iPod, it claims it can’t find some files. I can find them and, using Get Info in iTunes, restore iTunes’ awareness of them. Surely, there is some way to find unlinked files programmatically, and best of all, restore those links.

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removing unwanted meta tags in WP 1.5.x

I tried the Geo plugin in my 1.5 install, as I suspected GeoURL wasn’t finding me anymore. Turns out the plugin doesn’t work as expected and doesn’t come with instructions on how to clean up after it.

Took me a few searches of the WP support forum, and finally found something that worked. Go in your mysql database, change to the wp database, and use this:

delete from crank_postmeta where meta_key='_geo_location';

You can of course replace _geo_location with anything you need to clean up. To see what your options are, try:

select * from crank_postmeta;

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Beware Security Update 2005-009: I think it may be flawed

It is killing’s performance. Takes forever to open email messages and uses tons of cycles as it tries. I can’t even use it on an 800 MHz iBook.

Apple – Support – Downloads – Security Update 2005-009(Tiger Client) :

Delivers a number of security enhancements and is recommended for all Macintosh users.This update includes the following components:


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Part the first

This is where I started. I took up an idea I had played with for last year’s NaNoWriMo but had to bail on. I got sick and lost a few days and that blew it for me. What I learned from that comes in two parts. One, don’t quit. Two, don’t force your writing. In a stunt or event like this, quantity over quality is what counts (bear that in mind if you read further).
Continue reading “Part the first”