Hmm, I thought of this a couple of years ago

But I didn’t use satellite radio. All I envisioned was a sign outside a parking garage that told how many spots were available and a smart gate that would only admit as many cars as there are spaces. Put a green indicator over the available ones, maybe some white path indicators if it’s a big lot.

XM shows off concept for tracking parking lot openings:

XM shows off concept for tracking parking lot openings

Well XM isn’t just content to tell you where to go, what the traffic will be like, and how much the weather will suck when you get there, (oh yeah, and they play some music too) no, they’re going to tell you where to park now with their concept system that tracks the percentage of open spots on a lot and beams the info to your XM equipped car.

something else I don’t need

any additional reasons to eat cheese. And if I was making my own, what else would I do with it?

Cheese Making for Beginners:

Cheese making is theoretically a science, but we also need to appreciate that it is an art. While cheese making instructions often appear simple, there are skills and sensitivities which must be developed for successful cheese making.

Not that I won’t look into this. I already make paneer pretty routinely. A rich home-made blue (or green) cheese is very tempting.

friday random 10

5: I. Tempo molto moderato – Allegro moderato – Presto / Simon Rattle; City Of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Symphonies Nos. 5 & 7 Rattle CBSO
High And Dry / Radiohead / The Bends
Symphony 6 – Beethoven / BBC Philharmonic conducted by Gianandrea Noseda / The Beethoven Experience – Downloads
Thank You For Sending Me An Angel / Talking Heads / More Songs About Buildings And Food
Letterbox / They Might Be Giants / Flood
Reasons To Be Cheerful, Part 3 / Ian Dury & The Blockheads / Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll – Best Of
Adagietto. Sehr Langsam / Abbado/Berliner Philharmoniker / Mahler: Symphonie No. 5
The Mayor Of Simpleton / XTC / Oranges & Lemons
Wrong ’em Boyo / The Clash / London Calling
I’ve Seen All Good People / Yes / Highlights – The Very Best Of Yes

But don’t let not being a Canadian stop you

Yarn Harlot:

Please, if you are Canadian, pause at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, remember what has come before, and consider the cost.
Please, even if your personal beliefs will not allow you to act as a pacifist, please spend a little time contemplating Peace, your role and how your behaviour can influence world events. There is a concept in parenting that explains that you should catch your children doing something right, since with kids, you always get more of what you pay attention to. This doesn’t mean that as a parent you ignore poor behavior, but that on balance, there should be a greater reward of attention for goodness than for taking your-sisters-blue-shirt-after-she-told-you-not-to-even-though-she-was-going-to-wear-it-to-school-because-there-is-no-other-shirt-like-it-at-all-and-now-your-insensitivity-has-completely-ruined-her-life-and-all-hopes-that-she-will-ever-have-friends-and-be-cool-enough-to-survive-high-school. (For example.) I’m hoping that this is a truth of the world (since it really, really works with kids) and today I’ll devote my day to peaceful action, trying to swing the balance.

perjury by Republican officials, local edition

crossposted here

The Seattle Times: GOP admits it erred in challenging some voters’ registration:

An arm of the King County Republican Party called the Voter Registration Integrity Project filed the challenges Oct. 26, charging that all 1,944 voters were illegally registered at mailboxes or storage units. According to state law, voters must declare their residential addresses when registering.

Logan sent letters to the voters dated Tuesday, informing them of the challenges and telling them that unless they transferred their registrations to their residences or re-registered by today, their votes in Tuesday’s election would be treated as “challenged ballots.”

The county Canvassing Board would decide whether to count them at hearings later this month, Logan wrote.

In each letter, Logan also included a copy of the challenge itself, in which King County GOP Vice Chairwoman Lori Sotelo attests “under penalty of perjury” that she has “personal knowledge” that, contrary to state law, the voter doesn’t reside at the address at which he or she is registered.

County elections spokeswoman Bobbie Egan said some voters who received the letters and called were registered to vote at the addresses of businesses where they rented private mail boxes; she said she didn’t know how many.

Logan said many calls were from irate voters who said they were registered at their residences.

Bob Thoma said he and his partner, Jim Blodgett, both received letters. “I am upset beyond words,” he said. “She [Sotelo] didn’t take the time to do her homework.”

Thoma said he and Blodgett live in an apartment at the Capitol Hill storage-unit complex he manages. He said it has been his voting address for 11 years. He said he may have to take a day off work to attend the hearing to defend his vote.

Barbara Taylor, who said she lives and is registered to vote at the storage-unit complex she manages in Wallingford, said she, her husband and her daughter all received letters informing them their registrations had been challenged. She said she intends to vote but wondered if the challenges would dissuade other voters.

“How many people are just going to say, ‘I just won’t vote’ ?” Taylor said.

Taylor said she knew of at least two other live-in managers at storage-unit complexes whose registrations had been challenged.

Jeff Weber, another voter whose registration was challenged, said he lives and is registered at his home in West Seattle, and is mystified about how he ended up on the Republicans’ list.

“I think it’s outrageous,” he said. “It’s a bungalow in West Seattle. … It’s a single-family house on a 5,000-square-foot lot. If they had done any investigating at all, they would have known.”

Annette Fallin of Belltown said she was notified her registration had been challenged the same day she mailed in her absentee ballot.

“I’m very irate over it,” she said. “I get this piece of mail telling me they’re not even counting it like a normal ballot.”

The challenge to Fallin’s registration was one of the 140 the GOP dropped Friday. More than 50 of the 140 were registered at her apartment building, the Watermarke on Cedar Street.

The challenges to Thoma’s, Taylor’s, Blodgett’s and Weber’s registrations were not rescinded.

Sotelo was not available for comment. Vance, returning calls on her behalf, said Republicans developed their list by computer, running the street addresses of private mailbox businesses and storage-unit complexes against the addresses of registered voters. He said volunteers took pictures of each of the suspect buildings, but the party didn’t attempt to contact voters because it lacked manpower.

“I’m sure there’s a small number of errors,” Vance said. “To those people, we apologize. … We’ve never done this before.

Ask yourself, when you think about political parties and voting, which party wants to enlarge the franchise and which is always trying to find ways to suppress voting by groups who support their opponents.
Think we’ll see the state officials involved in this dismissed, punished, or censured?

a new favorite

 Images Oban1

This is very nice. I am lingering over a couple of fingers of this. It’s been that kind of week.

I recommend it. More approachable than Laphroaig or Lagavulin and more flavorful than some of the other canonical malts I have tried.

Of course, perhaps I’m just in the frame of mind where anything would be just fine.