My local library gets RSS

There have some homebrew ways of doing this, but their reliability suffered: if the library made a change to how they presented or managed their data, it could break any user-generated hacks.

The Seattle Public Library: Library News Release Detail:

With the new Horizon system, patrons will notice a number of improvements, including

  • Improved search and page loading times, especially for people with slow Internet connections.
  • A better interface for Library users with visual disabilities.
  • RSS (Really Simple Syndication). Just as Web sites now offer RSS as a means to provide updated information without having to “visit” the site, the Horizon RSS feature allows search feeds (new titles from your favorite author) or a listing of “items out” to be incorporated into new readers (My Yahoo! Or Bloglines).
  • Icons that clearly display the type of material (book, DVD, book on CD, etc.) so you can quickly locate what you want.

Patrons should be aware that due to privacy concerns and the USA PATRIOT Act, the new system will no longer keep track of yearly holds placed by patrons.

The bit about library systems not tracking holds was something you had to opt out of: now they’re just not tracking anyone. What kind of books do you have to have checked out for the terrorists to have won?

Now playing: Out of Control by U2 from the album “Boy” | Get it

working out the revenue model

Well, in the wake of last week’s traffic uptick and the lingering interest, I have enough information to formulate a revenue model.

It looks like 1 page view, making a raft of hand-waving assumptions about ad targeting and clickthrough percentages/CPM, generates about US$.0005. So 2,000 page views would net me $1. That new G5 iMac? About 3.8 million.

I won’t get into any more detail, lest I have already violated my ToS with Google, but financial independence may lie down a different road.

Now playing: Sex Sleep Eat Drink Dream by King Crimson from the album “Thrak” | Get it

miniMac pricing: doesn’t make sense for me — right now

Since I would replacing a G3 iMac with this — no screen I can reuse — this gets pretty spendy. I can get a decent flat panel display for a few hundred dollars but at that point, I’m pretty close to a G5 iMac. So I get a faster machine (1.8 GHz G5 vs 1.42 GHz G4), with otherwise similar options, for a coupla C-Notes more.

Cart-1 [click to enlarge]

Why not go the whole way?

are we ever going to learn this?

A natural, low-tech solution to tsunamis: mangroves |

MADRAS, INDIA – As nations around the Indian Ocean discuss plans for a tsunami early-warning system, environmental scientists here point to an existent, natural form of disaster minimization: mangrove forests.

The coastal trees and shrubs saved the lives of hundreds of people last month, and could save thousands more in the future if further cultivated.

Turns out that their presence on the shoreline of many places — the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico have them as well — is not just for their benefit. But they have been stripped away in a lot of places for firewood: sounds like a development project waiting to be funded. If it takes just 5 years to establish a grove, we could see a very reasonable form of insurance for people who could use it.

[found in Rebecca’s Pocket]

Now playing: All The Young Dudes by World Party

everything is connected to everything else

The Seattle Times: Pacific Northwest Magazine: Nurturing Our Roots:

“Most young men coming out of our community don’t know who they are,” said Huber when we set off after breakfast for a tour of his 76-acre Delta Farm.

“They’re stuck inside watching TV. These young men are the main reason I do this farming. Farming, you see, gives young people an identity.”

“In 1959,” said Huber, “the general budget for this county was somewhere in the neighborhood of $500,000. The population was about 33,000; 15 percent of that budget was spent on criminal justice. Last year, the budget was $24 million, and the percentage spent on criminal justice was closer to 65 percent. But the population has only doubled!”

These baffling numbers gradually took on meaning as Huber continued. “We’ve changed our economy,” he explained. “We were once a stable, resource-extracting economy. Now we’re something else.” Fishing and logging interests are gone. With more people and fewer farms, there’s a shortage of jobs, so idle kids are getting into trouble.

So Mr Huber is growing more than carrots (and damn fine they are, too: I bought some last week at PCC): he’s growing farmers as part of the ecosystem as the article notes. I like to read things like this so I can be reminded that conscious living begins at home: one of our dinners last week — at which those carrots were featured — was all organic vegetables — collard greens in a lemon sesame sauce, carrots in orange juice with orange segments, and mashed potatoes, complete with some nice flaky biscuits — and it just felt right. I need to do better at finding these gems: that was just luck, but you can make your own luck.

Now playing: – Langsam. Misterioso by Simon Rattle – Birmingham Symphony Orchestra from the album “Symphony No.2 “Resurrection”” | Get it

obligatory opinions on new Apple hardware

<sigh> I need a job so I can grab a Mac Mini and put it to use here. The iPod Shuffle is a neat idea and I can see them flying out the stores . . . woulda been a great stocking stuffer if it been out a month ago.

What I like about both of these is that addressing the old “Apple hardware is too expensive” canard, with it’s corollary “I don’t need all those features”, Apple has managed to design in just the features everyone would find useful — an iPod that holds enough music for your commute/run/workout and a small quiet system that can serve as a wireless base station and internet gateway, without unneeded or duplicated peripherals — at great price points.

I look forward to seeing AAPL trading at that US$100 target real soon.

what time is it?

My iBook doesn’t seem to know: how does one reset the menu bar clock?


Looks like MenuMeters and the menu bar are at loggerheads: nothing up there is updating and when I tried to make changes to MenuMeters I got a warning that Menu Extra could not be found.

[update] A new version of MenuMeters is available and now installed: it doesn’t say it addresses any specific issues, but there have been a few Software Updates since the prior version.

Now playing: Drunken Butterfly by Sonic Youth from the album “Dirty (Deluxe Edition) [Remastered]”

what to do with B$741,469.34?

Your 17 shares in rebecca’s pocket <> were sold at B$11,068.62 ea. (3 x B$3,689.54 – the current price) because xxxxxxx performed a hostile takeover using a Blustocking (artefact).

Your account has been credited a total of B$188,166.53 for this transaction which brings it to B$741,469.34.

Anyone need some BlogShares $$?
Now playing: Where I End And You Begin (The Sky Is Falling In) by Radiohead from the album “Hail To The Thief” | Get it