more on site optimization

I reimplemented MTOptimizeHTML on the main page.

Before :
131835 Feb 1 15:17 index.html

114726 Feb 1 16:07 index.html

That 17k difference is some savings (15%), but 114k is still plenty big.

Of course with mod_gzip, it goes down to 27,622, for a 76% savings. That I can deal with.

I think I’ll just keep it on the main page for now and see how it goes.

[Posted with ecto]

January 2004 traffic

for the month just ended, the site welcomed 60990 visits and 72067 page views.

Almost 1 million for the prior 12 months: as the monthly trend is upward, a month or two will see us there.

Thanks for making it happen.

[Posted with ecto]