Apple products by the bushel

So we have these snappy new PowerBooks, new apps (a browser, the iLife package, and they’re pushing X11 more prominently), but what catches my eye is the new Airport Extreme. 5 times the throughput at half the price. Not that I need more than 10 Mbits/second at home, but I could see the possibilities elsewhere.

And there’s still 3 more days of MacWorld Expo . . . .

virex & software update??

I noticed that the virus definitions were stale on the iMac so I went to get the latest DAT file. Think anyone at Network Associates is aware that is a porn site? Yikes.

I did eventually locate the file, but only through Google: that struck me as strange. It seems like an obvious use for Software Update. If you’re a .Mac member, you get Virex as part of your party bag, so why not enable updates of the DAT files as part of the package?



Safari offers you a superior Web experience with outstanding performance. Even the most complex of pages load at breakneck speed. In fact, Safari loads pages more quickly than any other Mac Web browser. But that?s not all. Safari uses the advanced interface technologies underlying Mac OS X to offer you an all-new view of the Web, one that?s much easier to use.

why is this based on Konqueror, rather than Gecko?

And without tabbed browsing, it’s a non-starter.
Continue reading “iBrowser”

“The best part of the future is always invisible.”

Lileks under the influence of the first two Back to the Future movies . . . .

LILEKS (James) The Bleat

The movie isnt that old, but its vision of 2015 already looks ridiculous. We’re just 12 years away, but I’m reasonably sure that hovercars aren’t going to be an option, nor will 512K Macs sit in antique store windows. 2015 will look like 1990, because you can’t photograph wireless networks. The best part of the future is always invisible.

This has more to do with the kind of infrastructure we use now vs 100 years ago. It’s all what you’re accustomed — and desensitized — to.

can your computer do this?

Apple May Plan Computer Chameleon to Reflect Owners’ Whims

The company’s United States patent application, No. 20030002246, entitled “active enclosure for a computing device,” describes a machine that contains an array of rainbow-hued light-emitting diodes. It seems that the quirky computer maker is considering the manufacture of a machine that acts something like a mood ring a computer whose shells change colors at the owner’s whim.

adventures in modern medicine

Tomorrow, I have my kidneystonectomy. For this, I have to get up at 4:45, catch a bus at 5:10, to be in pre-op at 6 AM. Bleaacgh.

I expect to be home by lunch time, and since I can’t eat after midnight, I’ll be ready for it. I’m giving serious thought to bringing some provisions for the recovery room . . . . .

I’m hoping the holmium laser, scary as that sounds, is successful so I can skip the sonic lithotripsy. It will take a lot more time to do it with sound and I’m sure I’ll have some after-effects (you don’t subject the body to rock-breaking sound waves without some physical recollection).

death (or at least indigestion) to spammers!!!!


What’s This Page For?

The purpose of this page is to make it so that spammers who attempt to collect email addresses off the web through programs will not have real email addresses in their database, causing them trouble because they will have to clean out their list. This page has one hundred randomly generated email addresses (reload and new ones will appear). At the bottom of the page is a link to this page again, essentially reloading it for programs to collect more fake email addresses. Email collecting programs will be sent in an infinite loop by following the link at the bottom of the page and will get more and more fake email addresses stuck in their databases. This helps to place many invalid email addresses that won’t help spammers (they will get more returned email 😉 and is our effort to FIGHT SPAM.

Fight Spam! Click Here!

what kind of a loser would do this?

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (NPS) – News and Events

Sometime between April 22 and 26, a John Deere riding lawn mower was stolen from `Ainahou Ranch in Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park. The diesel mower, Model #455, is predominantly green with a bright yellow seat and wheel wells. It has a 54″ blade and weighs 1,320 pounds.

There shouldn’t be too many of these, so perhaps they’ll catch the bum.