feh. those automounter docs need work

I followed the instructions, added the missing amd.conf file, and it looks like it works. But it doesn’t. Something like the cdrom device gets mounted, but nope. There’s nothing there.

The author replied to me that he would amend his article to include a reference to amd.conf, but I think it needs more than that.

Following bad information doesn’t cost anything but time, in a sense, but it devalues the good stuff.


UserLand.Com: What is a permalink?

News sites, or weblogs, begat the need for a concept that would make sense for newspaper websites too — the permalink.
[ . . . ]
Sometimes the time of the post is linked to the permalink.

This is how MovableType handles it, though I confess, it seemed non-obvious to me at first.

Why permalink? do we need a new pseudo word for this? Why not just “link?” As in “where’s the link to this entry?” Sometimes a thing doesn’t seem real unless it has its own jargon. I’m not trying to hold back the creativity of language, but some of it just seems needless.

And as the lads at http://winerlog.inspiredsites.net have noted, permanent isn’t, necessarily.

test before publication, please

Daemon News : Fun With Automounting on FreeBSD

Now you have almost all of the info to duplicate my solution to that big noisy hard drive mentioned in the introduction.

This looked like a really helpful article, except the author left out any mention of the amd.conf file, without which amd won’t run.

I’m sure that’s not what he meant by “almost.”

A slightly edited version of the one in the amd.conf man page will work: just adjust the maps at the bottom.

I still haven’t figured out how to make it work for NFS mounts.

Topography viewing tools

LizardTech, Inc. Downloads

View MrSID images on your personal computer Save view as TIFF with TFW for import into other applications

While browsing the topography I mentioned a couple of entries ago, I discovered the EPS files they supply are not too useful, but they also offered a SID format file. Turns out there’s a free viewer, runs on all the popular architectures, and it’s pretty interesting. You get full color images to pan, zoom, and otherwise inspect, and the viewer exports to many of the popular file formats.

Here’s a sample image.

Might be worth looking into what other maps they have. Like I need more reasons to stare at a map . . . .

According filext.com, there are two filetypes that use .SID as their identifying extension:

.SID Commodore64 Music File [Player] MIME type: audio/prs.sid
LizardTech MrSID Photo [Free plug-in viewer]

hacking as business tactic

The Seattle Times: Business & Technology: Corporate saboteurs find hacking powerful weapon

Millions of Europeans were buying counterfeit Canal Plus smart cards on the black market and inserting them into their set-top boxes, giving them free access to premium channels that carry soccer games and adult movies. In Italy, there were as many as three freeloaders for every legitimate customer.

[ . . . ] Behind the hack, Canal Plus says it was shocked to find NDS Group, a rival smart-card developer largely owned by Rupert Murdoch’s global entertainment conglomerate, News Corp.

The logical extension of this suit would be for the copyright holders of all the stolen programming to crush News Corp and Murdoch. But I doubt it will happen.


the topography of where I live

I went cycling the other day, out for 10 miles and came home having done 20 , including a hill I had thus far postponed. I was looking around for information on how steep it really is, other than vertical as it feels when you’re climbing it, and came across this site, provided by the City of Seattle.

It seems to be about a 200+foot climb in less than half a mile, taking me to between 275 and 300 feet above sea level, and I then have to crest one more hill at 350 feet before I’m home (I live at around 250 feet). I know REI provides this kind of thing as well, so I may have to get one there next visit.

visuals to remember

Went to Discovery Park this afternoon, and walked along the shore, inspecting the driftwood. I was struck by how similar to bones the driftwood is, with its organic shapes and curves, the bleached and figured whiteness, even the sockets and mortises, both man-made and natural.

It seemed like a boneyard for some fantastically large and ungainly species, the deeply textured bones and disassembled joints, ropes and kelp strands for sinews and ligaments.

so much for freedom of speech

The U.S. Government has asserted that it is illegal for citizens to participate in the Inauguration if those persons express viewpoints critical of the President or advocate policies different from the Administration’s.

It’s possible this is just counter-bluster (the use of the word “asserts” suggests that we’re playing constitutional chicken here), but it’s disappointing to see the need for such language.

This document is a useful HOWTO on conducting protests in DC, but I have to wonder why it’s necessary to write one at all.